"Beyond Earth Science Frontiers"
PANGEO AUSTRIA is a biennial event and an important cornerstone for networking between industry and academia, the promotion of interdisciplinary activities, as well as the support of young academics in geosciences and related fields.
PANGEO AUSTRIA 2022*, to be held in Leoben from 10th to 13th September 2022, will offer a broad scientific program and invites contributors from all earth science disciplines and institutions. Following up on the last PANGEO held in Leoben in 2010, the conference will furthermore emphasize applied aspects related to engineering geology and the utilization of raw materials and geoenergy.
*postponed PANGEO 2020 conference
Covid regulations
Following the current Covid regulations of Montanuniversitaet Leoben for public events, supervised Covid self-tests will be taken at the entrance to the venue on Sunday 11/09/2022 and Tuesday 13/09/2022.
According to the current Covid status “green”, no FFP2 masks are required at the venue and in the lecture rooms. However, mandatory mask wearing may be decided in the case of a change in Covid status. Please follow the updates at the conference website and via e-mail.
All participants of the pre-conference program on Saturday are advised to take a voluntary Covid self-test to ensure maximum safety for all attendees. Please follow the usual Covid rules (e.g., avoid grouping in enclosed spaces) throughout the event.
Please understand that these requirements are general access rules of Montanuniversitaet Leoben for employees, students, and guests. The mandatory Covid self-tests may be cancelled in case of changing regulations.

The abstract volume is now available online. Please download the full volume here.
PANGEO 2022 // Photos
(c) Joel Bensing // PANGEO 2022